


在Simplot, being good stewards of the land is more than the core of our business – it’s simply the right thing to do. Sustainable land use and conservation of natural resources are critical to meeting the global food needs for today's growing population and for future generations.

我们的故事从土壤健康和养分管理开始:照顾养活我们的土地. 作为一家以马铃薯生产为基础的公司, 我们不断努力寻找种植更好食物的新方法. 无论我们把土地用于农业还是采矿, 我们在工作中加强填海和自然保育的措施.



We commit to investing in 土壤健康 research and nutrient stewardship to help growers use fertilizer and water resources more efficiently.


Simplot支持并参与 4R营养管理计划. This program promotes best practices for minimizing nutrient loss in soil and aims to improve efficiencies while enhancing environmental protection and sustainability efforts. 这是一种鼓励使用正确肥料来源的方法, 以合适的速度, 在适当的时候, 在正确的地方.

4r框架帮助我们在尊重资源的同时最大化生产. 例如, the Simplot Grandview Farm in Washington’s Columbia River Basin has shown that current nutrient applications are at least 15% more efficient than 10 years ago, 提高了产量和质量. 我们很自豪能被认可为 4 r倡导者


通过与其他行业领导者的合作,Simplot帮助建立了一个 杰出教授 华盛顿州立大学马铃薯种植系统的土壤健康研究. 该职位将指导健康研究, 为马铃薯产业提供更肥沃的土壤, addressing the need for more understanding of how microorganisms and physical properties of the soil affect potato health, 质量和产量.

Simplot is also involved with the Potato Soil 健康 箴ject through a Specialty Crop Research Initiative (SCRI) grant with the University of Minnesota. The overall objectives of the project are to determine how best to measure 土壤健康 in potato cropping systems, 确定工具(覆盖作物), 土壤改良剂, 轮作方案)最能提高土壤健康和块茎产量, 并将研究结果告知马铃薯种植者.



我们不断努力通过农艺提高马铃薯的正规赌博手机软件, 土壤健康, 以及各种研究和最佳实践的实施.


我们投资于马铃薯的研究和开发,以尽量减少病害, 提高产量, 减少农药, 提高安全性,提高环境正规赌博手机软件. 我们这样做的一个方法是通过我们的各种研究和开发,包括 先天®技术. Innate potatoes provide significant sustainability advantages for the potato industry through enhanced traits such as reduced blackspot bruise, 这意味着更少的土豆被包装商拒绝, 加工者和消费者导致更少的浪费. 减少黑斑瘀伤缺陷, 可以使用更少的资源来获得相同的产量, 这意味着农民产生更少的二氧化碳排放,同时使用更少的水和杀虫剂. 我们传统的品种研发也追求最好的口感, 最高效和弹性马铃薯我们的客户所期望的.


Simplot是 PSA, 与600多名种植者合作,采用全价值链方法实现可持续发展, 同时促进行业内的合作和创新. PSA实施农场可持续发展框架, 哪些解决了可由种植者在农场独立解决的正规赌博手机软件问题. PSA还开发了正规赌博手机软件评估工具,用于测量温室气体排放, 灌溉效率, 水的质量, 土壤健康, 病虫害综合治理与农民繁荣.

根据PSA, “当你吃一个可持续发展的土豆, you are supporting a farmer and an entire community that embraces their commitment to care for the environment.”



作为一家垂直整合的公司, Simplot在食品生产的各个方面都有作用, from the mine that gives us phosphate ore used to produce fertilizer for our crops to the food on your dinner plate. 我们将继续投资于这项研究, 土地恢复和填海的技术和最佳做法.

集成并发 回收

土地复垦与采矿过程同时进行:作为一个区域被积极开采, 以前开采的区域被回收. 在必要的缓解措施下开垦地雷, 回收的表土和原生植物符合Simplot尊重资源的核心价值. We are determined to return our public lands to functioning 栖息地 as soon as possible for local wildlife and future recreational opportunities. 我们为行业的年度可持续发展报告提供信息: 挖掘基本要素:养活世界的基本营养素.


在我们的Smoky Canyon矿山,Simplot严格遵循美国联邦调查局制定的现场特定批准要求.S. 联邦政府机构,如土地管理局和美国农业部.S. 林务局. 这些机构要求Simplot在我们前进的过程中开垦矿区, 放置保护性土壤覆盖物和种植植被. 我们还通过加强矿区及其周围的栖息地来减少对土地的干扰. 超出了这些基本的监管要求, Simplot conducts additional work to make sure that the soil and vegetation cover systems work to reclaim the land as planned, implementing detailed environmental surveys and a robust monitoring program during and after mining. 这一过程有助于解决和减少对野生动物等重要资源的潜在风险, 渔业, 栖息地, 以及地下水和地表水.


2017年,J.R. Simplot公司和其他组织收到了美国.S. 林务局的最高荣誉——酋长荣誉奖. The award recognizes a five-year collaborative effort to restore the waterways and fish 栖息地s on the Yankee Fork of the Salmon River in eastern Idaho. We’ve also worked to address impacts from historic mining practices and were recognized by the U.S. 林务局.





在美国的合伙人.S. 可持续牛肉圆桌会议

Simplot很自豪能成为 U.S. 可持续牛肉圆桌会议.


Simplot有几种产品可以保持土壤健康并促进传粉媒介的存在. Simplot supplies seed for nutrient-restoring cover crops to help growers use less fertilizer while decreasing erosion and soil loss. Simplot’s pollinator blends have been used at wineries in southern California to pollinate local plants while encouraging 客户 and visitors to stay and enjoy the wildlife.

Simplot是保护技术信息中心(CTIC)的成员。. The CTIC works with a tool called OpTIS (Operational Tillage Information System) that uses satellite imagery to survey conservation tillage and cover crop utilization. 这些信息使我们能够了解覆盖作物在田间的使用情况.



作为 酷农场联盟, 我们颂扬它的多方利益相关者, scientific approach to providing an industry platform for sustainable agriculture metrics and use. 通过提供一个公共平台, 世界各地的种植者都可以更多地了解他们在地球气候中所扮演的角色. 作为一家涉及农业和食品供应方方面面的公司, Simplot在最重要的地方发挥着独特的作用. 我们加入了酷农场联盟,以帮助量化和集中这些行动点.


4Sight 2030目标

We're pledging to reduce energy, carbon, water and waste across our production facilities worldwide.

我们的商业惯例, products and services help bring economic value that sustains our agricultural communities and lands. 
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